colossus falls with invisible radiance


For mixed chamber ensemble (sop. sax, alto flute, bass clarinet, vibraphone, violin, and cello) (2023); c. 8’

Premiere performance by Corvus Ensemble at the Federal Hall in New York City on March 18, 2023.

Click here for recording

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For mixed chamber ensemble (sop. sax, alto flute, bass clarinet, vibraphone, violin, and cello) (2023); c. 8’

Premiere performance by Corvus Ensemble at the Federal Hall in New York City on March 18, 2023.

Click here for recording

For mixed chamber ensemble (sop. sax, alto flute, bass clarinet, vibraphone, violin, and cello) (2023); c. 8’

Premiere performance by Corvus Ensemble at the Federal Hall in New York City on March 18, 2023.

Click here for recording

Program Note:

During our time in the Alaskan tundra, we would regularly experience the effects of the distant disentegration of the hanging glaciers perched about the valley we explored; crashes and explosions echoed to our camps several moments after their sources had settled into a cloud of disturbed snow. colussus falls with invisible radiance seeks to recreate that experience; imagining those tons of ice unnoticably falling gracefully and silently, yielding uncanny moments later to a raucous of mythic porportions.